Updates, Exciting News, and more!

Alright, so I haven’t written in a while, ok, a loooong while, but all for a good reason. I happy to say that I finally got my Doctorate degree this past August. I am officially Dr. K…..woohoo! And of course with everything going on, I have not had the time to post any new recipes, or even make any new recipes. But, my favorite time of the year is finally here, Fall! The slightly warm days and chilly nights, the smell of pumpkin spice in the air, and the Christmas music in stores. Yes, I said Christmas music, and it’s not even Thanksgiving!!!! I think next year they will start playing Christmas music before Halloween…LOL 🙂

So anyway, with my favorite season finally being here, what’s a better way to spend the holidays than to write a book! Yep, I decided to write my first children’s book. I am so excited to share it with you all. The idea behind the book is inspire young girls to get into science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). I am beyond thrilled to have written this interactive storybook and it’s in the process of being published.

For now, here is a little teaser, my book trailer:

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